> de Roger W6VZV wrote
> I rarely hear any digital signals on 40M much 
> below 7.065.  The bulk of keyboard digital activity seems 
> to take place from about 7.069-7.075 or so.  

Hi Roger, 

Possibly you are mainly interested in local (lower 48 states) QSOs?
You are missing a lot of DX by confining yourself to the USA domestic

Try calling CQ on PSK31 sometime around 7026kHz. You may be pleasantly
surprised! When I'm operating at my California QTH, I can work Asia
almost any night on 7025kHz - 7028kHz with PSK31 and various MFSK
digi. All the euro stations I've worked digi keyboarding on 40 have
been below 7045kHz. Many of the South Americans also.

Bonnie VR2/KQ6XA

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