> SCS says that Pactor III is 4 times faster than Pactor II and the
> code would indicate such.  Thus the raw channel throughput IS faster
> and the BER should be better.  But as far as performance goes at
> varying SNRs will make a difference in throughput. At a -5 dB SNR on
> the KC7WW channel simulator KN6KB measured the throughput of Pactor
> I/II/II as about the same. At a + 10 dB SNR, the maximum throughput
> of Pactor I was measured as ~ 100 NetBytes/minute. Pactor II measures
> as ~3000 NetBytes/minute and Pactor III measures as ~11,000
> NetBytes/minute....almost 4 times that of Pactor 73, Walt/K5YFW

Do I correctly read this to mean that at high-noise
low-signal strength conditions Pactor I, II, & III
are equal?

Does that mean that the non-proprietary Pactor I
that runs on a sound card is just as good as the
proprietary and unaccountable Pactor II & III
under rough conditions?


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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