> That's my one pet peeve about Linux.  You go looking for a program to
> do what you want and find out it is two years old and requires
> libraries that have been updated 4 times since then.  Sometimes trying
> to find the older libraries is a real challenge.  I would love it if
> everyone would store the libraries and programs necessary to install a
> program right with the program.
> Jim WA0LYK

That was my pet peeve as well!

I went through over a dozen distros before I got
to Puppy Linux.  The folks responsible for it are
really good about making what they call "dotpups"
which are a complete application ready to install.

You just click on the downloaded dotpup and it
automatically sets everything up.

Occasionally your app will require something key
like Java or tcl/tk and that will have to be
loaded first -- but even then it is almost always
available as a dotpup either on the official site
or on a server one of the affiliated folks hosts.

They did go through a change of Linux kernels
a while back and that introduced some transition
of lots of apps but other than that things have
gone pretty smoothly -- the app is now much more
user friendly than the big ones.

I have tried Debian and the many variants and
spent hundreds of hours chasing dependencies,
it takes a better code-hound than I to get it
running and to add in apps.

RedHat and SuSE drove me nuts with code-bloat
and dependency nightmares.

Stormix and a couple others went out of business.

Puppy is designed as a not-for-profit enterprise
so there is not bloated staff and corporate
infrastructure to support.  Users not stockholders
drive the distro.



Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Projects: http://ham-macguyver.bibleseven.com
Personal: http://bibleseven.com
Note:  Both down temporarily due to server change.

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