Nope - General and higher will have all modes.

For no-code techs, it's the opposite -- except on 10 meters, HF
privileges for codeless techs will be *CW ONLY*: no SSB, no SSTV,
no RTTY, no soundcard digital -- except for CW.  ON/OFF keying
using the international morse code.

On 10 meters, they'll be allowed CW and data in the bottom of the
band, and SSB-only from 28.3 to 28.5

I suspect most of the techs who choose to come down to HF frequencies
will upgrade (written test only) to General or Extra.

larry allen wrote:
> Assuming the no code licencee can only use voice... what happens when they 
> loose interest in only being able to use voice....
> Larry ve3fxq

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