On 01/20/07 08:45 pm F.R. Ashley wrote:

>> Way back in the mid 60's people had to write paragraph style answers..
>> There were no answer banks..
>> I have even heard now, in my country of canada, that you can pass the exam
>> after a weekend course....
>> My question.. how can someone learn about electronics and ham radio in one
>> weekend?....
>> Larry ve3fxq
> Larry its because they are "taught the test".  It reminds me of when I was 
> in real estate school.  We were taught primarily what would be our our state 
> exam.  I guess the rationale was to first pass the exam, then learn about 
> real estate, hi..

A year or two back I went through a training program for a volunteer 
position in a health-related organization. Some of the information was 
general, but there was in addition a lot of "teaching the test."

Now I am undergoing training in another health-related field, and again 
we are basically being "taught the test."

And did I not read that one reason for changing the format of the 
Amateur Radio Exams was that it had been found to work for FAA tests?

More than thirty years ago in a university in another country most of 
the examinations in my field required essay-type answers, but the 
library held bound volumes of previous examination papers for many of 
those courses, so that one could get a very good idea of what kind of 
questions any particular prof. was likely to ask: the same questions 
tended to come up again and again in various combinations.


Alan NV8A

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