--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, kd4e <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Becker wrote:
> > At 02:03 PM 1/21/2007, you wrote in part:
> > 
> >> There was no good reason to distort the tests by
> >> inserting the specialized hardware, I believe that
> >> Pactor I will run on a sound card, only Pactor II
> >> and III are dependent on rare proprietary hardware
> >> with rare proprietary software run under a proprietary
> >> OS.
> > 
> > 
> > I'm a bit confused here. Are you saying that you need some
> > special OS to run pactor 2 & 3 ?
> Yes, you need one of the proprietary MS versions of
> windows.  Windows is *not* the only OS out there --
> millions of people use Apple or Linux.
> When, not if, the proprietary MS windows OS goes down
> and you find yourself in a non-MS windows environment
> the proprietary Pactor II & III systems will be useless.
> (Unless I have been misinformed and Pactor II & III
> also run under Apple and Linux.)
> Not to mention when the proprietary Pactor II or III
> software fails or the matching proprietary hardware
> fails.  Two rare and one sometimes unavailable and
> often compromised (MS windows) variables in order
> to make any use whatsoever of Pactor II or III.  Talk
> about planning to fail!
> Reliable systems for distributed and unpredictable
> environments are not designed with rare hardware and
> software but with the capacity to get the job done
> with whatever is on hand -- The MacGuyver Principle.

Sorry, but you don't even have the *first clue* about what you're
talking about.

> "Yes, you need one of the proprietary MS versions of
> windows."

That is absolutely, positively false.  It is not even REMOTELY true. 
The SCS modems are exactly that - modems.  They don't care a bit about
what machine or OS is using them.  You can work Pactor III perfectly
well with a VT100 terminal hooked up.  For that matter, you could also
work Pactor 1, Pactor 2, PSK31, RTTY, AMTOR, VHF 1200 and 9600bps
packet.  And you can do all those with the same VT100.  Throw in a
host with a graphical display and you can do SSTV, Navtex, and FAX, as
well - regardless of the OS.

Claiming that you need to use MS-Windows for Pactor is absolutely
false, and shows that you're just spewing your ignorance.  I have no
idea why - maybe you have some agenda, and maybe you're just like to
talk about things regardless of your actual knowledge.  But the record
needs to be set straight.

- Rich

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