> Maybe this is a dumb question, but once someone compiles a program for 
> Linux and includes the dependencies, wouldn't this be easily shared 
> between users?
> Can't they then put this in their depository for that particular Linux 
> distribution?
> Even if you don't have it in your particular universe can't you use a 
> program from the multiverse. Even converting it from one of the package 
> managers to another package manager that fits your Linux distribution?
> 73, Rick, KV9U

Unfortunately different distros store different
files in different places.  Sigh.

Some distros are better about redirecting apps
compiles for one distro to the locations they
need to be in for the new distro.

The Puppy Linux folks have been working hard on
an app that does this then puts the app inside
an installation wrapper (PupGet or DotPup) which
the user just clicks to perform the entire install.

Not sure how other distros are handling this.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Projects: http://ham-macguyver.bibleseven.com
Personal: http://bibleseven.com

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