> Here is what I was thinking, to setup a radio at a remote location
> that could be "fully" controlled remotely.  Ham Radio deluxe has the
>  capability of controlling my ft897 with a serial interface.  A USB
> sound card could be used to provide PSK and other digital modes.
> By using this remote usb interface 
> http://www.digi.com/products/usb/anywhereusb.jsp a remote serial 
> interface and sound card could easily be setup.  Is there a way to
> pass audio through one sound card to another sound card?
> James Wilson K6WRJ

I have been exploring the possibility of remote
base using a 440 HT without involving a PC or the

It would require at least a MFJ-664 device.

Using a MH-59 mic one has control of most important
features, though one would need some means to confirm
if a change was accepted.  According to a recent thread
there are no provisions for voice readout.  Perhaps
someone may build an outboard device.

Using a PC or PDA would provide 2-way data flow and I
suppose 440 could be used as the control freq.  (440
is preferred because it penetrate metal structures
better than 2M or 222.)

I have also received some interesting suggestions and
conflicting opinions as to the FCC regs.

Anyone out there seen an entirely wireless remote
base using 440 and a Yaesu FT-897 or FT-857?


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Projects: http://ham-macguyver.bibleseven.com
Personal: http://bibleseven.com

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