(Stepping lightly) Why, with the recent changes, does ARRL/W1AW still 
transmit without listening on 3.580?  We all know far too well how 
compressed for bandwidth the digital modes are on 80 meters due to 
recent FCC changes. Yet W1AW persists to take a slice of this 
compressed band-space to transmit without listening. I received my 
license partially due to listening to code practice via W1AW (and some 
decent tapes), so this is not to diminish its supposed but now sorta 
defunct purpose. And not to even broach the code versus non-code mess, 
I wonder why the ARRL feels compelled to ignore its own "bandplan" and 
also continue to transmit without even the illusion of listening?

Re-reading this it seems like a slam but that is not my intent; I am 
actually quite curious as to the mind-set behind this all....


Bill N9DSJ

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