> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Morse Code is no longer a requirement for a
> license - true statement.

The FCC justified their decision in part based on
their determination that it was no longer valuable
enough to require.

> Morse Code practice transmissions are "absurd" - your personal
> opinion.

No, absurd in the face of the FCC's decision.

> It sounds like you want to force your opinion on those of us who
> still use or want to improve our skills in Morse Code.

I made no statement of opinion re. the code, I happen
to be a 20WPM Extra.  BTW: Ad hominem attacks are silly.

Using and improving CW skills requires no ARRL
broadcasts -- there are hundreds of CW QSOs to
copy every day -- from regular Hams across the
HF spectrum.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Projects: http://ham-macguyver.bibleseven.com
Personal: http://bibleseven.com

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