> There was no detection available when the rules were implemented
>  (1995?). That is the reason for the automatic areas. It was primarily
>  intended for fully automatic stations, such as the Winlink system
>  (perhaps the is still true for the NTS/D system which continues to use
>  the old Winlink software), and for AX.25 store and forward.

There was "detection"..    The automatic areas were set up for
"packet" and that's always had carrier sense or even audio presence
detection.   It was the same automatic vs manual station issue then.
The whole idea was if you swim with the sharks (operate within the
automatic stations segment) then don't whine when you get a toe bit

This would still be a good solution.  1/3 the band for narrow museum
modes.  1/3 for voice modes and 1/3 for modern progressive modes with
no rules or bandwidth limits and let technology rule.

Bill - WA7NWP

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