--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Pactor II and especially III are claimed to be difficult to nearly 
> impossible to decode with software. Even if you have a P3 modem and 
> monitor some of these transmissions, it is no guarantee that you can 
> decode the actual data. It would require special software to be able to 

I don't believe for a second the claims that are made that Pactor III
cannot be decoded with software. Software might not be able to be made
to work in a full linked mode, but decoding any signal is child's play
with the fire power in any modern computer. The DSP algorithms and
such that have been developed can decode anything that I know of, if
the coding scheme is published. If there is an additional set of
codes, which in effect encrypt the link, i.e. IP Sec or others, that
would not be legal as all amateur communications are by regulation
required to be un-encrypted. 

If the Pactor III and the WinLink folks have nothing to hide, they
should be encouraging someone to develop an open source PT III
decoder. As a matter of fact, the ARRL should fund the development of
such a beast in my book, if for no other reason to increase the
transparency of communications and to allay the rumors and such that
Winlink is doing some nefarious. One of the hallmarks of this hobby is
the self policing of every communications being able to be monitored
by my peer amateurs. This is not possible with PT III and is one of
the major issues I have with the whole deal.  

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