Hello Rick,

Yes, I confirm, you must:

* calibrate Multipsk with the sound card installed: click on "Sampling freq." 
then click on "Determination of the standard RX sampling frequency..." and 
"Determination of the standard TX sampling frequency...". It is automatic.

* Let the AF frequency fixed for ALE (open the "Options" window) and be sure of 
the HF frequency (in ALE you can accomodate +/- 15 Hz, no more).

You can start with sending AMD messages through the "Aux. functions" window. 
Then try to send FAE APRS position. Afterwards, try General call in ARQ FAE 
(button "ARQ FAE" then "Call", the other Ham must push the buttons "ARQ FAE" 
and "Answer").


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: expeditionradio 
  To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 8:23 PM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Re: 141A ALE FAE mode

  > Any idea on what was causing this? Any settings we need to tweak?
  > 73,
  > Rick, KV9U

  Make sure your soundcard is calibrated using the provided sampling
  method in Multipsk. This is the number 1 problem we see with it. 

  Also, be sure of your frequency calibration of your transceiver.

  Bonnie KQ6XA


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