Thanks for your comments, Steve,

I understood that it did support the ICOM 756 Pro 2, including CAT 
control, and was told by someone in the ALE world that I needed to check 
the CAT box which I of course did. Maybe I missed it, but I did not 
realize that this particular rig can not even operate at this time with 
CAT control, because if I did, I would not have spent quite so many 
hours trying to get it to key with PTT CAT:( I don't have any hardware 
PTT plans at this time as other programs work reasonably well and it 
simplifies the cabling requirements.

What I  understood was that the current program is defective with 
setting up the split function properly. It sets it up the split when you 
boot the program, not when you scan, and it does not return to non-split 
mode either when you stop scanning or when you leave the program. My 
understanding was that this will be fixed in the new version, although 
it is still in Alpha at this time.

Your list of the many different rigs is very helpful and this kind of 
information needs to be easily located on ALE websites so that there is 
no misunderstanding of what a given "supported" rig can or can not do at 
any given time. It doesn't make sense to me why this would not be 
heavily promoted.

As far as activity, I suppose it depends upon your definition. I 
monitored for several hours today with scanning with the ICOM 756 Pro 2 
and heard the following:


Of course there can be other areas of the world and those with better 
antennas who may be able to copy more test signals and calls.Most of 
these were soundings but some appeared to be calls. I don't know if you 
actually can receive any messages being sent by others when in this 
scanning mode, but I have not actually printed anything like that.

Again, it seems that it is difficult to find information of this kind on 
the internet and I rather expect it to be very openly available and very 
clear and concise.

Steve Hajducek wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> I have replied to your comments many times on these matters:
> 1. PC-ALE as released does not specifically support the PRO2, the 
> next release will. For now if you are not interested in ALPHA testing 
> the next release, its the use of the GENERIC ICOM interface and 
> DTR/RTS for PTT. It works for everyone else that has a PRO2, I can't 
> see why you should have any problems unless you have something out of 
> the ordinary configured.
> 2. As hard as you may find it to believe, there is a lot of ALE 
> activity on the Amateur Bands.
> Sincerely,
> /s/ Steve, N2CKH

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