> Erik N7HMS wrote: 
> ...in spending my time composing responses and framing 
> questions for group discussion on hflink, only to
> have my posts end up apparently in /dev/null.   

Hi Erik,

HFLINK serves as an ALE "Elmer Zone" to help anyone who asks for help
about ALE with PCALE, MULTPSK, or Hardware ALE. Ask your question, get
an answer... simple as that. A quick viewing of the group can easily
verify it meets this objective: 

Sorry, that your post did not get approved for the HFLINK forum, but
perhaps it didn't meet the group's guidelines. It has fair and
reasonable guidelines for posting messages, that by the way, you
agreed to abide by when you joined it :) All members are expected to
converse with esteem. Personal attacks, insinuated personal attacks,
or general attacks are not allowed... off-topic, idle chit-chat, snide
remarks, grousing, or whining messages just don't get posted... there
are plenty of other groups and internet venues if that is what you like.

The HFLINK forum is a high quality group that serves both the Amateur
Radio ALE, Emcomm ALE, Disaster Relief ALE, and the professional ALE
HF communities. It has the latest and most comprehensive information
available about Amateur Radio ALE operation, PCALE, and associated
digi protocols currently available in the ham radio community. If it
concerns ALE in ham radio, you will see it first in HFLINK, and you
will see it discussed in depth.

Yes, a moderated group is different than free unmoderated
anything-goes groups... HFLINK has a definite purpose, and it is
totally free of most side garbage because the moderators volunteer a
lot of time and effort to make sure it stays that way. 

Bonnie KQ6XA


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