
To me, it is a matter of being "fashionable". No matter whatever 
happens, Olivia is a ROBUST mode,
and most likely, the most robust conversational mode I know. The most 
robust is JT65A, but is hardly
conversational, unless you do what you suggest on a previous mail using 
short phrases.

The most common and known is PSK31, and used to be the only mode 
available in some quite old
but still functional software. It is a matter of critical mass.

MFSK works well, but is harder to tune. And Domino did not live up to 
the expectations, as IFK is
more prone to errors, even using FEC. Yes, Olivia is slow, but far more 

And Chip 64 has not worked for me on HF so far.


Jose, CO2JA


Andrew O'Brien wrote:

>  What happened?  It seemed that Olivia was poised to become the third
>  most popular digital data mode (after PSK and RTTY).  Now OLivia and
>  also DominoEX are way down in use.  I think that PSK and RTTY are
>  still number 1 and 2, JT65A appears to be number 3 followed by MFSK16
>  and Hell.  Heck, I think you will here more ALE and PSK125 than you
>  will hear Olivia these days.
>  Andy K3UK


Participe en Universidad 2008.
11 al 15 de febrero del 2008.
Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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