Rick wrote:
> And down the road, there would be nothing stopping the use of the open 
> MIL-STD/FED-STD/STANAG protocols for higher speeds. It is possible that 
> even the U.S. could someday use the high speed single tone modems on 
> HFwith a change in FCC regulations. And maybe they really work well on 
> HF,  even with what seems like impossible waveforms.  
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

The key..."a change in FCC regulations."

There are commercial modes that have a user throughput of over 2000 WPM with 
ZERO errors and can provide 100% copy at a -12 dB or better SNR...but they 
run in a 3 KHz channel either.

BTW Rick, what is the HFlinknet system?


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