>>>AA6YQ comments below

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Steve Hajducek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


I find all this channel busy detect crap rather funny myself, I know 
such a statement is going to bring out the flames, but intentional 
interference is one thing, however system automation for digital 
communications where one end of the equation is automated and the 
goal is for the Remote Attended station to grab the Automated station 
for access to send and receive e-mail is not interference, the 
stations that are operating on the same spectrum should know better, 
its that simple.

>>>Exactly how would they know better, Steve? Have you nailed "no 
trespassing" signs up on "your" frequencies?
Really what should be done at the next WARC is set aside 10, 25, 50 
to 100Khz (depending on the spectrum size of each given band in 
question) off little used Voice spectrum on the bottom of each band 
that goes mostly unused except for contests of the occasional rare DX 
station that pops up for much more useful daily Traffic Automation 
Systems using 3Khz channels ( or better ) with no symbol rate 
limitations where no peer-to-peer contacts are NOT allowed in my 
opinion, there is just so much Phone spectrum going to waste its just 
stupid, especially consider the benefits it provided by Traffic 
Automation. Such a move would be a move in the right direction for 
the future of the Amateur Radio Service.

>>>I agree that there should be HF band segments where unattended 
stations can operate without busy detection, and that these segments 
should be broad enough to encourage experimentation with wideband 
digital modes. Until that happens, you're sharing spectrum with other 
amateurs, and are expected to operate your equipment in a manner 
that's respectful of ongoing QSOs. 


       Dave, AA6YQ

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