Busy detectors are the solution to the hidden transmitter problem for 
unattended stations.

For those convinced that the world is out to get them (or their 
favorite modes), I suggest meditation.


        Dave, AA6YQ



--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "John Becker, WØJAB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> At 08:18 PM 9/16/2007, Andy, K3UK in part wrote:
> >but Bonnie, a fundamental issue has been the frustration with 
> >PACTOR just switching on mid-stream and interfering with a QSO. 
> If I may jump in here.
> Does this not go back to the so called  "hidden transmitter"  issue ??
> This I think has bee beat to death by many times on this list.
> Find a fix for that and you will die a very rich man.
> But I really think a lot has to do with those that just *HATE* the 
> wide modes (RTTY Amtor Pactor) .
> John, W0JAB

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