To hams who are not in the USA: Your comments are important.  I just
left my comment, and did not see any qualifier that required that you
be in the USA.  They may place more importance on your opinions since
we are currently being a 'bad neighbor' to you.

I browsed through the 73 comments that were in place at that time.
Seven comments supported the petition, three were FCC documentation of
the petition, one was ambiguous and the remainder were opposed to the

Some of the opposition was clearly mistaken. A couple said the
Rule-making would hurt the MARS services. Of course the FCC has
nothing to do with MARS, other than issuing the ham license that
allows a ham to qualify as a MARS member.  In fact, this could enhance
MARS operation if some of the hams with this equipment became active
MARS members.  By the way, the wide modes work much better on MARS
since there are 'channels' and assigned frequencies there.

A few of the comments were embarrassing. How much weight can your
opinion carry if you are not able to spell the word amateur?

My opinion:  Thank you Mark, for bringing this interference problem to
focus.  Maybe it will be resolved now

Howard K5HB

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