It's all about how much of the band you are using. But you know how they like to pick on poor Pactor. Read page 11 line 4,5 and 6 of the PDF file
* * * * * page 11 of RM11392.PDF 8. Two bandwidths are appropriate for what is now the RTTY/Data subband, 1.5 KHz and 2.4 kHz. The selection of these two bandwidths should accommodate current modes and not prohibit any emissions currently found in the 80 through 10-meter bands. Pactor III would continue to be authorized, as long as speed levels 1 and 2 are used. 1.5 kHz is appropriate because of the bandwidth guidance for the RTTY/Data subbands in 97.307(f)(3). As stated above when employing the formulae of Part 2.202 for amplitude or frequency modulation, with a signal with quantized or digital information, and telegraphy without error-correction, the necessary bandwidth derived is 1.5 kHz. 1.5 kHz will accommodate emissions in the RTTY/Data subbands where appropriate and is consistent with the intention of97.307(f)(3). 2.4 kHz is also appropriate because of the bandwidth guidance for the RTTY/Data subbands in 97.307(t)(4). 1.5 kHz bandwidth is appropriate for the 80 through 12 meter bands and 2.4 kHz is appropriate for the 10-meter band. This action will restore the separation of emissions by bandwidth, which has been lost due to changes in technology. The definitions of data in 97.3(c)(2) can return to the definition of data prior to FCC 06-149 since bandwidths for the current RTTY/Data band will be enumerated. Continuing to enumerate emissions by lTV emissions designator in the Phone/Image subbands will continue to prevent other data emissions from John, W0JAB