I had an FAE 400 QSO (barely) with a station on 20 meters earlier today. 
We did eventually lose the link, but there were times that we got some 
reasonable throughput. I increased power to about 50 watts and was able 
to get through to his end fairly well for much of the time (about 40 
wpm). I was just barely able to copy him on the waterfall and just 
barely hear him in the noise. If this had been another sound card 
digital mode, I am not sure how well we would have been able to get 
accurate communications. As you can guess the biggest plus for FAE 400 
is the ability to wait out severe QSB, one of the banes of low power 
operation. Oh I did not mention that the other station was running QRP 
at 5 watts.

After that contact,  I moved around to another of the recommended 
frequencies from VE5MU (30 meters) and was away from the rig for varying 
periods of time. I did not notice until later that there were two other 
stations who had called CQ on FAE 400. I tried calling CQ but by then 
neither were around any longer.

This evening around 7 pm local time I called CQ for a while on 3589 but 
I admit I was a bit disappointed that I did not have any luck. Until I 
realized that I had accidentally used the HFLink frequency. I had added 
the VE5MU recommended frequencies to my cheat sheet index card and 
managed to misread from the previous list.

I dropped down to the recommended 3584 and called CQ and then shortly 
after that saw non other than Bill, N9DSJ, calling from IL (I am in SW 
WI). We were able to connect but let me tell you this was an excellent 
test of this mode tonight. The FoF2 is around 2 MHz so 80 meters is 
extremely poor for NVIS. More like backscatter:)

Even so, we were able to do fairly well and at times I could not keep up 
with the typing speed. Since you can not backspace for an error (similar 
to RTTY) I do tend to make some xxx characters at times HI HI.

Bill and I switched over to 4 baud DEX without FEC and while this mode 
worked fairly well considering the horrible signals, it was not 100% on 
my end and of course with much slower throughput. He printed me better 
though but I was running 35+ watts.

I just want to suggest to those of you who have not tried this mode, to 
give it a workout, even with bad conditions. It is such a treat to be 
able to print perfect copy under those conditions and often do it at 
faster than 40 wpm. I have not had any other sound card mode that can do 
this. And don't worry about an "over" command. Just type on the keyboard 
and the sent and received text are spaced far apart in separate windows 
so you won't get them confused.

Those recommended frequencies are:



Rick, KV9U

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