> How is what we tested somehow flawed in your mind? 

Compare it to testing psk31 against jt65 at snr's of -20db.
psk31 wont work, jt65 will work. Flawed test.

Your report of easypal only getting 1/6 of transmission is a clear 
indication that conditions or setup were not adequate. I could not even 
find what mode or qam type you were using. Flawed test.

This is no weak signal mode. This mode is NOT automatic and needs quite 
some dedication. Comparing this (probably in default config) with an 
automatic mode is ...

> I do admit that I 
> have done some calibration of my ICOM 756 Pro 2 S-meter and can give you 
> at least some relative comparisons of dBm levels.

S-meter and SNR have nothing in common. 

What does enrage me is the trashing of a well established free mode with 
the goal to hype up of an expensive software, which, you failed to 
mention, proved to be unusable for sstv in your own test (12 min for a 
28kb picture is not acceptable).

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