Sholto Fisher wrote:
Tooner wrote:
MultiPSK gives an error in Vista 64-bit:

"Windows - No Disk
Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters
Cancel, Try Again, Continue"

Selecting either will still pull up the program.  Seems to work fine.

Not a biggie, but in case someone else is using the same O/S, let us
know if you see anything similar.

Meanwhile, it's aood program for the 'rarer' modes like PAX or CHIP,
but still kinda clunky and cluttered.  You can tell the same author
designed the web-site.

Any big fans of MULTIPSK that might like offer why they use it?  I'm
guessing you're using it for the ALE applications?

Frank, K2NCC

MultiPSK has a lot more in it than just the ALE Frank. It takes time to learn what it can do but is well worth the effort. Quite honestly I don't mind the interface - been using it for 3 years and you learn to live with the quirks.

I like the fact that Patrick F6CTE (the author) spends his time inventing, developing and improving digi-modes rather than wasting it on making the program look like something Microsoft developed.

It's kinda like homebrewing a qrp radio using dead-bug or "Manhattan" construction. Who cares what it looks like it's how well it does the job that matters.

73, Sholto  KE7HPV.

Sholto, I heartily second that. Well put. Those who complain about the UI really need to go away and use another Program. No it is not all about ALE as it has all the other digital programs and more.
Kevin VK5OA

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