--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Jose A. Amador" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ... but what it does and how it does.
> ... And certainly MultiPSK does its stuff WELL
> ... as a peek at its specs will show you.

How about telling us what that 'stuff' is, as you are more familiar
than I?  Specifics would be nice.

> It is not the first time that Vista FAILS with an otherwise working 
> software.

True, but the applications need to keep up with the operating system,
not the other-way-around.  That's one of the reasons Windows has so
many issues, the demand for backwards compatibility.  If Microsoft
would just start over, from scratch, and offer no recourse for older
apps, then we'd have an O/S closer to what a modern PC can really do.

20 years ago, that would be the kiss-of-death for a company.  But as
ingrained as Windows O/S is, I imagine it would hardly dent their
pocketbook.  Anyway, we'll be booting to the Internet before long and
what operating system your computer will run will be a moot point.

Meanwhile, I can still do many things in seconds that takes even a
skilled operator quite a bit longer in a Linux box.  (For instance,
try setting up dual monitors in Linux!)

Yes, Windows isn't the most stable operating system.  It is however,
the most usable for the masses.  No matter how skilled you are at your
preferred O/S, you'll more likely sit down to a Windows PC vs any
other flavor.  Except maybe at your personal station/s.

Anyway, that's not really the point here.  I'm just trying to nail
someone down with specifics of what MultiPSK offers that would make
someone reconsider what they're currently using.

> changing the car controls in a new car model, which requires a new
> kind of highways.

Keeping to the analogy: Besides looking funny, you'd be far behind if
you relied on a freeway when the rest of us are driving hovercrafts!

> Can you correctly guess now what is flawed?

I doubt it's a flaw in strictest sense.  Just a mis-translation.  None
of the other digital apps gave an error using the same O/S.

> Beauty is on the eye of the beholder. And it does not tell the whole

No doubt.  But layout counts towards usability.  I prefer my old boat
anchor due to it's signal quality and suburb reception.  A newer radio
would look nice, but offers little towards the two most important
things: TX and RX!

Again, no one has given specifics yet to what MultiPSK does better
than other digital software?  For the most common modes, it translates
about as well as any other.  What, besides the different modes
available and costs, keeps one a die-hard MultiPSK fan?

Frank, K2NCC

Life is too short for CW, QRP and DOS!

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