
For a "newbie" you're being just a tad bit too judgemental
in wielding such a broad brush.  I've been licensed over
50 years and can assure you that there's much more to this
hobby than simple robotic contact exchanges for a post card
in MANY "Oldsters" thinking.

That said, too many exotic modes is an opinion that has as
much value as your broad brush statement chastizing Hams
who have nurtured this hobby long before you came along.

Have fun with this stuff.  You've surely got a lot better
equipment and modes and technology available than in
times past, that's for sure.  But, to be well-rounded in the
hobby, you should remember there's more to it than just
tinkering, testing, technical exploration, and such.  There's
the human aspect.  Hams are Ambassadors-Without-
Portfolio; always have been.  It comes with the territory
and tradition.  Those stations who just want your info
exahange are not just "oldsters" but rather, of all ages
and nationalities.  If you don't explore this, you'll be no
different than an Engineer who lacks studies in the
Humanities and the Arts.  Quite shallow and socially

OH...BTW, welcome.  You've got some exciting stuff in
store for you, if you keep an open mind and let yourself
explore.  However, perhaps you'll find 50 years passing by
before you know it and find yourself being confronted by a
"newbie" then who's telling YOU that you're out of date.

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Laurent Laborde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Multiple Digital Modes: Time to get rid of most 

> I'm a begginer, licenced this year.
> I do not think that we have too many mode.
> And the massive usage of psk31 is not a "beginer" problem.
> It's the opposite.
> We have too many old ham that just want a contact and a QSL.
> And they use the most commonly used mode, psk31.
> I have absolutly no interest in contact and QSL.
> Well, no interest, but i need a contact to test the mode, talk about
> it, improve the transmission if needed. And not just sharing
> macro-QSO.
> The only times i was able to really test, experiment, "on air" was
> with exotic mode.
> Anytime i tried to "chat" (technical) in psk31 i got the usual "k thx
> bye" macro.
> But never had this problem using Feld Hell.
> The problem is between chair and keyboard, nothing else.
> -- 

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