In the same boat here...

Finally getting my MRI on next Tuesday 08:30 and then hopefully soon 
after... a Solution to my Pain. In my case the Siatic Nerve is 
pinched or inflammed, making it very painful to use my left leg.

Colleges at work call me "hoppalong" and really good friends call 
me "hopp"

anyway, 73 to both of you
and get better soon
Steve "Hopp" hi  W1CDX

--- In, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy,
> I greatly sympathize with your medical problem as this is one of 
> reasons I retired early with severe arthritis and nerves being 
> particularly from the C5 vertebrae. I finally had an MRI and the 
> situation is pretty bad. Three years ago I did not want to live. 
> pain was so bad throughout my shoulder and right down my arm to my 
> and the two fingers closest to the thumb and all the muscles in 
> It is like having a toothache in your muscles.
> I don't know if it is the same situation in your case, but I got 
> little help from physical therapy. Luckily, I had deep tissue 
> therapy from a friend who had gone back to school in later life and 
> changed careers and he is exceptionally gifted and has been able to 
> control most of the pain. I am treated every two weeks and 
> will need surgery, but am putting this off as long as I can. The 
> is getting to be very common. They cut into your throat to get to 
> back side of the spine and insert rings around the collapsing 
> I found out that a number of people I know have had this done 
> a distant cousin who had the same problem on the left side like I 
> But the pain is so horrible and so unrelenting, that if you are not 
> getting relief, I can well understand what you are going through.
> I bring this up to the group, because I suspect that with such a 
> group, there are others who have the same problem or similar muscle 
> from vertebral disk problems. A good example is my wife's situation 
> to additional problems from injury on her lower back. She was able 
> get relief from the same massage therapist for unbelievable pain 
> ironically, numbness, from sciatica that just would not go away. 
> there may be someone in your area that has this technique and can 
> immeasurably in quality of life. For those who have not had such 
> problems, you have to experience this to understand how bad it can 
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> > Maybe it is because I am getting irritated because of the pinched
> > nerve in my neck,

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