>-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2008   Time: 19:25:30

>Yes, it's a script error :-)
>What's happening is that the IE engine used by HRD is reporting the error.
>You can disable these reports:
>* Start IE
>* From the Tools menu select Internet Options
>* Select Advanced tab
>* Make sure the 'Disable script debugging...' options are checked [x]

Hi Simon,

I have IE7 installed (I'm not sure which release, as I can't find the 
Help About button any place!).

I followed your instructions above, and found the following already set 
(presumably by default, as I haven't changed anything):
[x] Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)
[x] Disable script debugging (Other)
[  ] Display a notification about every script error

Now what do I do? I repeat, I run Opera with HRD, not IE.

Ian, G3NRW

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