Sorry Ian,

I read hundreds of mails each day, I forgot you had told me this.

The title of the error tells everything: "Internet Explorer Script Error". 
The solution is to stop IE displaying script errors, using Google and 
searching for "Disable Internet Explorer Script Error" I get many hits. I 
know I can do something with the software, I wonder what version of IE you 
are using?

The problem you have is stopping IE displaying the script error popups. I'll 
look at the coding this evening.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

From: "Ian Wade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> As I explained in this thread recently, I have already done this. My IE
> settings are:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> [x] Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)
> [x] Disable script debugging (Other)
> [  ] Display a notification about every script error
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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