Most PSK operators are interested in rag-chewing rather than DXing, 
which does make it difficult for a DX station to achieve a reasonable 
rate in PSK. When operating from a DX location, I operate PSK to take a 
break between CW and RTTY pileups.

The ability to decode many independent transmissions within one's 
transceiver passband makes PSK in theory more effective for DXing than 
any other mode we now have; its more effective than split frequency 
operation because decoding multiple callers simultaneously assures that 
you always have a station to call -- so your rate is continuous. But 
its rare for there to be enough DXers QRV to sustain this rate for any 
significant length of time.


        Dave, AA6YQ

--- In, Bill Lovell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the basic problem is that fewer than 10% of PSK31 operators 
have ever bothered to learn how to set up split operation. One more 
reason that the mode is great for casual DXing, but next to useless for 
serious DX work.
> 73,
> Bill

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