Its difficult to make a QSO in the newer modes because they aren't "better
enough" than PSK or RTTY to motivate a broad-scale transition, so their use
remains limited to a small number of afficianados.

When someone develops and deploys a mode with significant improvements over
PSK and no retrenchment, it will be broadly adopted -- and without need of
postings berating PSK users to give it a try.


         Dave, AA6YQ

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Kevin O'Rorke
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: New Hams and New Digital Technology

garylinnrobinson wrote:
> If most PSK operators are interested in rag chewing -they need to move
> on to a better digital mode. PSK and RTTY are the two worst modes
> available. And that's the problem. Too many people, groups, and
> leaders in the Ham Community promoting OLD and less than effective
> modes of communication.
> I came into the digital soundcard ham world in about 2003 and it has
> ONLY been in the last year or so that the A.R.R.L. finally started
> putting decent articles in their mag. And still PSK and RTTY reign as
> the popular soundcard modes. Geeesh!
> ATTENTION PSKers : Try something else - CALL CQ in other modes - don't
> just listen. And don't listen to what everybody else tells you about a
> mode because misinformation reigns! Test it yourself and kick the
> tires. Olivia, DominoEX, MFSK, ALE400, and many others all worth trying.
> -
Hear Hear
PSK31WAS a great breakthrough as compared with RTTY AT THE TIME of its
There are many Digital modes available to the Ham now, that are a great
break through compared to PSK.
I think that we have here a case of "the dog chasing its tail" in that
it is difficult (sometimes impossible) to make a qso in one of the newer
modes, so to make a contact, one tends to go back to the psk area, thus
compounding the problem.
Perhaps more vigorous advertising of the frequencies used by other modes
might help.

Kevin VK5OA

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