OK , It was simply a concept based on current  systems , the original 
panoramic digipan system capturing all, now expanded to  cover rtty 
and the  Olivia recovery in drm780  , my experience with hf packet 
back in the 80's when you could digi all over the place on 10 Mtr's , 
the wspr auto beacon software decoding down in to the  noise and the 
latest `cw' skimming software that is capturing the call signe , 
operating frequency  and posting it to a web server... 

As with the above I should think the calibration of a standard ham 
ssb  set would be good enough to  ensure net , as for the 
communication protocols .. well who knows …a sort of lynux  (compared 
to  windows)  communication system that sits in a small space and 
uses the advances in computing power and narrow modulation  'modern 
frequency usage' and allows everyone to  join in, with the same dial 

I think the intelegent use of a band of frequencys would reprensent 
progress in 'ham' data transmission ? 

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Jose A. Amador" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Graham wrote:
> > ****I really do not understand Graham's proposal: a narrow band 
> > spectrum system? I really need some more clarification about 
> > 
> > Ok may be a bit like calling a steam train a iron horse, dose the 
> > same thing but a little differently 
> > 
> >  Spread spectrum :  may not be quite the intended system, more 
like a 
> > frequency agile system within a constrained pass band, where data 
> > packet are transmitted, by say psk31 type modulation,  on random 
> > channels within the pass band – collision avoidance with multi 
> > users, and  short data bursts 
> Now I see. Frequency hopping spread spectrum.
> Those channels are not really random, but pseudo-random. I foresee 
> problems:
> 1) Coordination. The necessary codes should be defined. Netting 
> transmissions is not trivial, calibration issues are important and 
> all radios are calibrated equally. A heavy task for CAT, indeed. I 
> not sure it can be done well enough, or without special radios.
> 2) Administrative. It will be hard to convince communications 
> administrations to let run systems they cannot monitor easily or 
> PSK31 is not suitable per se, it is not thought for reliable 
> but for casual keyboarding. Emphasis is on quick responsiveness, 
> features that increase reliability of transfers also increase 
> which is felt as undesirable by many keyboarders. Count me in, I 
> differently if I want to chat with few erroneous characters that do 
> obliterate the meaning or if I want to transfer a file reliably.
> > AX25 : merely as comparison to existing mode's of operation, 
> > some kind of watered down system that would allow routing via 
> > stations, mail boxes that sort of thing, ok the data rate wont be 
> > too high, but just a novel system using the pc as a intelligent 
> > modem. could transmit command/route packets and data packets to  
> > keep things short 
> Actually, it is not only AX.25, but using the BBS Interface 
> Specification Working Draft 11/28/93
> Is there any newer? I have not seen any other, newer or improved.
> FBB modified some aspects of it, specially regarding compressed 
> transfers, but this is the basic protocol as I understand. I also 
> the FBB protocol docs on a backup CD. The FBB and JNOS sources 
could be 
> a good guide for someone interested in the tiny details. FBB does 
> better, with Z-modem style transfers that resume the file transfer 
> the link is cut. That also reduces the spectral footprint.
> > If you views the system on a waterfall display, you would see, 
> > looked like random vary length , short psk31 (type) signals 
> > appearing simulations'ly  with in the system band with on say 
> > channels  with the odd collision and  extended gaps …. Depending 
> > usage why not start to double up on the cannel usage to  give a 
> > function under good conditions
> A waterfall would be a good thing. It was particularly hard to net 
> even with a well calibrated radio without being able to really 
watch the 
> spectrum using a TNC with no tuning indicator.
> Summarizing, I believe this is too complex and creates more 
> than solutions. That is my personal perception.
> What I feel is needed is something based on the established 
> (AX.25, BBS Spec) with a new modem more suitable for HF than the 
> Bell 103 modem.
> I see divided opinions, many prefer the shared frequency concept.
> This is not without problems. Bad or uncoordinated parameters, 
> stations, collisions, all reduce the transfer efficiency. I still 
> remember that 14095 could be quite messy at times.
> I participated on a net where one station was the hub and 
> all had to be coordinated with the net manager, and it worked 
rather well.
> Something similar to frequency hopping but not exactly so were the 
> procedures used by the AMTOR/Pactor mailboxes, scanning several 
> per band, and using one for the entire connection period.
> What does this has to do with FPGA based data modes? At the end, we 
> still need a better HF modem than the Bell 103. One step at a time, 
> would love to see a better, open source, low cost mousetrap 
> for reliable transfers.
> I feel important to note and take adventage of what strategies are 
> proven to work, and not reinvent the wheel. Exact bit to bit 
> compatibility to say, pactor, is not as important as a good robust 
> modem, negotiable signaling speed and coding adapted to HF 
> among other aspects. Adaptive equalization might be used 
> in a modem. Maybe some good ideas could be taken from Q15X25, with 
> of course, because it also left a not satisfied wish list.
> It is not necessarily as simple as stating such a wish list, but 
> should be some intellectual property modules that actually do some 
> the above, in modules, to simplify the programming tasks ahead.
> 73,
> Jose, CO2JA

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