Hello all,

I was reading the general specifications of Pactor and I note a curious feature.

The first mode of Pactor 3, with 2 carriers (in BPSK) specifies a crest factor 
of 1.9 dB (ratio of 1.55).
Pactor 2 specifies a crest factor of 1.45 (in ratio)...1.6 dB

Meanwhile, Pactor 2 applies a root raised cosine window which gives for a one 
carrier only, a crest factor of about 1.4 /1.45.
Now in Pactor 2, with two carriers sent in the same time, mecanically the crest 
carrier must be increased to 1.6+3=4.6 dB if no overloading is accepted (and it 
would be curious to apply a cosine window to afterwards overload the signal...).

One more information: in Pactor 3, it is written about "crest factor": "without 
signal clipping or limiting". Even if I don't see the difference between 
"clipping" and "limiting", it seems clear that they can send two carriers in 
the same time (and certainly moduled with independant information), without the 
3 dB of penalty, which is quite interesting!

Has someone information about the way used by SCS (Pactor company) to avoid or 
to limit this penalty?


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