It would also be very interesting to see if the improved MFSK modes in 
fldigi works better than in other software, especially when affected by 
lightning static. My informal tests seemed to suggest not much 
difference, however, if there was any difference, it might suggest that 
Multipsk was ever so slightly better.

When I have done some crude comparisons with actual off air tests 
between different programs, there is usually not a lot of difference but 
sometimes there may be slight variations where in some modes there will 
certain characters that are correctly displayed in one program, yet 
other characters are correct in the other program. Thus it is often a 
wash (no significant total difference). It did seem that Multipsk had 
the edge in some of my testing and when I mentioned this to an on the 
air contact, the other ham was adamant that his testing overwhelmingly 
showed that HRD/DM780 was the best by far. Sound card calibration 
differences perhaps?


Rick, KV9U

David wrote:
> Hi Tony.....have you tried is available from    
>   in both Windows XP and Vista as well as Linux.....
> it has MT63 500,1000 and 2000
> 73 David VK4BDJ

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