
Here is my experience with mobile messaging with Pskmail. This was
done on HF NVIS but I believe the concepts are independent of the
radio link method (HF or VHF). My background is four wheel driving in
the Australian "Outback" and keeping a track log of my position a well
as exchanging email/sms messages where there is no cellular coverage
(we have a very low population density and therefore patchy coverage
outside the coast and main roads).

The way Pskmail addresses the push messages is by using two concepts:
1. A notion of Linked-to-a-base status and 2. a centrally accessible
(over the internet) database so that servers can be coordinated and
avoid duplication).

More details: The clients (mobile units) have to "check in" by sending
a "link to base". From there on, the server will push any new APRS
messages (without ack) to the client. Of course other message  sources
could be pushed as well. 

Note that this is different to "connecting to a base" like for email
retrieval as there is no maintenance of the link through continuous
exchanges and therefore very little time occupancy of the "channel".
It therefore allows for several stations to share the same frequency.
How many has not been tested in practice.

At the moment the operator has to determine which base to link-to, but
 a more automated feature coud be used there: with Pskmail the clients
can send an automatic beacon every x minutes (to all servers) with the
position of the mobile unit. Coordinated over the APRS network only
ONE server will reply with a QSL message.

The improvement on the current concept could be that the replying
server could automatically become the "linked-to" server pushing
messages from there on. So if propagation/conditions change and
another server becomes the best link, then it should take over the
"message pushing" task until further notice. I imagine that sending
the position from the mobile as a beacon is also valuable in emergency
situation as an information to the central command/other mobiles.

Another improvement on the current method would be to loosely verify
the delivery of the messages. If the server, through the central
database" were to keep track of the number of messages which should
have been delivered, and the client the number of messages received 
(or the sequence number of the last contiguous messages received), and
both client and server exchange this information during the beacon
calls, then is is possible to know if the client has all of the
messages up to date or not.

Messages are packaged with a data integrity information (CRC) and
therefore can be determined to be received correctly or not which of
course you already have in the HFN system. Great system by the way.

A separate point, but relevant in my opinion and was touched on in a
previous post: the "terminal" unit needs to be frugal on power. Even
my small eee laptop consumes over 2 AMPs of my 12V supply. If
stationary for an  extended time, and if not equipped with a separate
dual battery system I would be reluctant to leave it on all the time.
Maybe something like the a TNC as mentioned before or a software
adaptation of the NUEPSK could provide a power budget more in line
with a standard battery installation.

Rein could give you more details (or correct my understanding) on
Pskmail and the new developments.

Hope this helps. All the best,

73, John (VK2ETA)  

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