Hi John,

Amtor was never that good. If you recall, it would start allowing 
erroneous data through when signals become weak enough. And when that 
happened, the signals were of what we would today call reasonably good 
signal strength for PSK31, MFSK16, etc.

Pactor was much better. I did not have similar problems with bad data. 
Clover II would not allow bad data to go through but it did not work 
that well into the noise either and was a huge disappointment to me as I 
liquidated all my equipment to buy the HAL P-38 card that was supposed 
to also do Pactor, which it never could work properly.

Pactor II and Pactor III are claimed to be much better than Pactor, 
however, like most digital hams, I won't ever be using them so it is a 
moot point.

If Winmor can work reasonably close to the expectations of the 
developer, it should perform as well as or even better than Pactor II, 
but it may need a wider footprint for similar speed. Unlike Pactor 
modes, Winmor will have three different bandwidth modes. It will be very 
interesting to see how they perform. It is not expected to reach the top 
speeds of Pactor III, but then again, how often does P3 reach the higher 
speeds via its wide bandwidth and more complex constellation? Not very 
often from what observers have seen. It is often operating at Speed 
Levels several steps down from the top level due to band conditions.

We don't know if there will be a peer to peer mode. If there is none, 
then it will primarily find limited use for e-mail. I know some think 
this is the most important thing to have. In my area, it would get 
rather infrequent use, but a connected mode, or better yet, a BBS system 
that could tie a group together would be the most useful. Unlike packet, 
it should be much more sensitive with weak signals and allow stations to 
connect, that currently can not when they use simplex phone. With a BBS 
it could also time shift so that more radio amateurs could participate 
since you would not be beholden to a specific net time.

In my Section, they actually have hams promoting the sending of e-mail 
to a central server as somehow participating in a net operation. And you 
don't even have to use RF, just use the internet! We need to completely 
turn around this kind of approach and move to a robust method of 
connecting hams through HF and VHF.

Imagine using a multimode/multiband transceiver, as many now have, to 
one simple interface and laptop and work with one basic system across HF 
and VHF.


Rick, KV9U

John Becker, WØJAB wrote:
> Rick
> Correct me if I'm wrong. But reading between the lines of you post
> on this subject I feel you are saying -
> don't hold you breath for a sound card mode that will replace the
> ARQ modes such as Pactor  or  Amtor. 
> John, W0JAB

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