Just a note here to anyone who is the owner of any Yahoo Group. NEVER 
have just a single owner email address. At a minimum use a second 
email address of your own from a different domain and make that person 
an owner too. If there is only one owner and that address bounces for 
some reason you can end up in "yahoo hell" trying to get things 
running again.

Tim, N9PUZ

Rick W wrote:
> I was able to contact Mark, WB9QZB, and he indicated that his yahoo 
> e-mail account and the group were disabled by Yahoo with no notice or 
> explanation.
> It is very difficult to even contact Yahoo customer service, which is 
> offshore, but he is working through corporate in California to attempt 
> to get the group restored.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

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