Just so I understand it, are you saying that he repeatedly sent join 
requests to the same person (such as yourself)?

I personally don't consider a request to join another group to be spam 
at all, but each to his own. I do know that there have been individuals 
who were very pleased to join the other group since it fit well with 
their interests.

But I can see that receiving many repeated requests to be a bit 
annoying. Whenever I have sent a request to an individual to join, it 
has been a personal message and not something automated. Perhaps he was 
using some automated technique and it wound up sending many duplicates?

It certainly expanded his group rapidly and it was one of the better 
groups discussing digital issues since it allowed for much more open 
discussions on digital matters. I did have a lot of "local" information 
for his area that probably would not interest those outside of our 
region. Initially, it was intended for a fairly small geographic area 
with what I would call an emphasis on D-Star, but evolved into a world 
wide digital discussion group with a high level of comfort.

If he gets reinstated, I suspect he will be tempering any automated 


Rick, KV9U

John Taylor wrote:
> At the risk of stirring an unwanted debate, I for one DO consider
> repeated "join requests" as SPAM. Why? Mark has repeatedly joined
> other "related" groups and immediately started gathering names from
> that group to solicit memberships in his group. I do know, from
> personal experience, that there have been many direct requests to Mark
> to stop sending these requests, only to see the solicitation multiply
> in number almost immediately. On Mark's own groups, he claims to be so
> against SPAM, yet he is one of the worst abusers. The only surprise
> that seeing his group shut down is the time it has taken for it to happen.
> Most of us in these groups have enough intelligence to select the
> groups and interests we want to participate in. Repeated
> "solicitations" from a "related" group are in my opinion absolutely
> nothing but SPAM.
> I had joined his group at one time and most of the posts on the group
> were nothing more than cross posts from here and other groups, often
> by Mark himself. I really had no reason to receive the same
> information 4 or 5 different times, just so I could get the info from
> 4 or 5 different groups. When I left his group, I asked repeatedly
> that he stop soliciting me to rejoin. That has NOT stopped.
> John

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