Rick W wrote:
> But I can see that receiving many repeated requests to be a bit 
> annoying. Whenever I have sent a request to an individual to join, it 
> has been a personal message and not something automated. Perhaps he was 
> using some automated technique and it wound up sending many duplicates?
I would get one average about one request a month from him to join
illinoisdigital. If I posted frequently that month, I'd see more. So I
suspect he was harvesting email addresses and sending requests based on

Is it SPAM? By the original definition, harvesting email addresses &
spewing unsolicited emails to them like "spam through a fan", yep.

Was not an opt in, was not a single "Hi, saw your post on xyz, you might
find abc interesting"..... personal email.

I never reported him, but came close to it a couple of times.

> It certainly expanded his group rapidly and it was one of the better 
> groups discussing digital issues since it allowed for much more open 
> discussions on digital matters. I did have a lot of "local" information 
> for his area that probably would not interest those outside of our 
> region.
I scanned the group content every now & then, and found very little
original content that was of interest. I'm also not a big fan of
fragmenting discussion groups unless there is unique traffic that would
overwhelm a broader group.

Have fun,


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