>>>>> On Thu, 02 Apr 2009 10:41:46 -0500, Rick W <mrf...@frontiernet.net> said:


> Needless to say I won't even respond the the impertinent comments by Hal 
> since they are basically an attack on the intelligence and abilities of 
> most computer users rather than on any merits. Those of us who have 
> tried different OS's, some for decades, find good and bad in each OS, 
> but the bottom line is which one has the most practical value right 
> now.  While most here in the U.S. overwhelmingly choose Microsoft, there 
> are a modest, but increasing number, who like Mac. Linux is still very 
> small. Much, much smaller than I expected by now. I have spent a LOT of 
> time with Linux and have been surprisingly disappointed. And I did not 
> expect to be.

Rick, I must say that I can't remember the last time I heard of someone
who has tried so hard and for so long and has been as disappointed as
you.  Is your hardware not supported?  Are there problems with the
software?  Have you asked on the forums or mailing lists?  Filed bug
reports or feature requests?

Q: When will Linux be ready for me?
A: Sooner if you help.

BTW, users "overwhelmingly choose" the preinstalled OS.

Back on topic... there seem to be around a dozen pskmail servers on HF
in Europe; apparently sufficient for pskmail's (increasing) userbase.
How many would you need in North America?  I think that whatever the
answer may be, there must be enough hams there who either use Linux
already, or aren't afraid they might get the Linux cooties :-)

As a case in point, I count just less than 1000 unique callsigns in the
list of IRLP nodes in the U.S.  This tells me that Linux isn't going to
be an obstacle to pskmail adoption in the U.S. or anywhere else.
Particularly if someone comes up with some kind of pskmail appliance,
e.g. a low-cost ARM-based device such as the ones I mentioned earlier.

Stelios, M0GLD.

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