Andy wrote:


". I still think that a better option would
> be the increased development of NBEMS PSK and MFSK with ARQ as
> implemented in FLDIGI. While perhaps not as robust as ALE 400 FAE ,
> it is far more likely to be used by hams if there is more publicity
> about NBEMS."


I always look at these modes with a view of using them for emcomm traffic,
and in doing so they have to be able to be used by inexperienced hams who

might be on the second shift. operators only. The software has to be "bomb
proof" and not require any extensive computer knowledge to run it.


ALE400 is not the best mode for this, not because it is a poor mode, but
because the user interface is very difficult to use and has turned off many
potential operators. That said, Patrick likes the user interface the way it
is, so it will likely stay that way. As a result , ALE400 and the other
modes on multipsk will never be used by the mainstream ham community and
cannot in good conscience be recommended for emcomm. Those modes are great
too use if one has the patience to overcome in user interface.


MFSK ARQ would have possibilities, but I think the standard for emcomm will
remain winlink/winmor/paclink for now





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