I have had one of these (actually two - one at work, one at home) for 20 years; 
best investment I've made in the way of shop equipment:


They're the bee's knees for close work!

john W3JKS

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Stelios Bounanos <digra...@...> wrote:
> >>>>> On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 09:25:10 -0500, Rick W <mrf...@...> said:
> > As was mentioned, construction may be impractical for many hams. In my 
> > case, I have been soldering since around age 13 or so with my first 
> > crystal radio kit and later many kits and dozens of projects over the 
> > years, so it is not too difficult to make a simple interface.
> > Today, because of my age, it is increasingly difficult to do close work 
> > without special help. I normally wear trifocals and the close-in 
> > distance is for book reading at around a foot, but it is very much at 
> > the bottom of the glasses and difficult to use so I sometimes use 
> > magnifying googles.
> There must be a lot of cheap second hand camcorders out there, many with
> both analogue and digital video outputs and plenty of optical zoom.  I
> imagine you could easily display a good 10-20x image of the work on your
> monitor (perhaps with the aid of an external lens).
> That's a lot of magnification and as a bonus you can sit straight and
> not spend hours hunched over your desk looking at the work with
> magnifying goggles on.  You also inhale less flux fumes and avoid
> solder splashes.
> -- 
> 73,
> Stelios, M0GLD.

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