Hi All,

I am in the proceeds of purchasing a new piece of radio equipment.
I am tossing up between buying a new radio, new screwdriver antenna or a new 
sound interface.
The first two are a lot more then the last.
But that depends on which one I decide to buy.
I had a look at the Rigblaster Pro, but at US$299 I felt this was a little high 
(I could be wrong here)
I also looked at the Tigertronic at around $100 (a bit better price)

My interest is in using it with my TS-480S/AT and any future rig I decide to 
I am using all the digital modes.

I would like it to be used on a couple of radios but that is not a high 

I know this is very limited but what else is there to the interface.
Some I have heard have better filtering and protection.

Any thoughts would be grateful, direct would be fine too, see my address in the 


Kevin, ZL1KFM.

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