'"I really think the fldigi 3.11.6 works much better. I keep both 
versions installed in different directories."

This may be your problem. Fldigi configuration files of any version are 
kept in fldigi.files. You cannot run but one version without 
reinstalling another.

The standard for MT63 is to start at 500 Hz. Fldigi follows the accepted 
standard. Anyone wishing to use fldigi and flarq together on MT63 will 
have to follow the standard and only use MT63-1000 or MT63-2000 as other 
versions have too much latency for flarq.

Winlink provides an ARQ alternative to NBEMS and so does Multipsk and 
PSKmail. You can use either of those if fldigi or NBEMS do not do what 
you need.

Skip KH6TY
NBEMS Development Team

Howard Z. wrote:
> Stelios,
> I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. If you are a moderator, you can 
> delete my posting.
> I'm feeling a bit more optimistic today - it's nice to get 8 hours of 
> sleep.
> It has been frustrating attempting to use fldigi 3.12.3
> I mostly use DM780 rather than fldigi. The Flarq is the exciting new 
> feature, and my group will not start using it until their Olivia 
> 1000/8 centered at 1500 hz is added. Here is the scenario:
> 1. Sets up Olivia custom mode to 1000/8 centered at 1500 hz, then save it.
> 2. Exit Fldigi and restart Fldigi
> 3. Select MT63/1000
> 4. Now try to go back to our custom Olivia 1000/8...@1500hz - by 
> selecting Olivia custom
> 5. Fldigi will pop up the custom window showing Olivia 500/8 and 
> forgot that we centered it at 1500hz.
> There needs to be a way to save our custom settings and then to recall 
> it later on. Otherwise you will have people asking you to add every 
> customized mode they can think of. We simply can not save and later 
> recall a customized setting. So the group I am in will not use 
> fldigi/flarq in their nets until Olivia 1000/8 is added - which I hear 
> it is a low priority item on the fldigi to-do-list. Personally I don't 
> see why this is so important to them. It's not so hard to change to 
> 1000/8 and center it at 1500hz. I think Flarq is worth trying.
> By the way, DM780 has lost the capability to use MT63/1000 centered at 
> 1500 hz. Fldigi also can not operate MT63/1000 and be centered at 1500 
> hz. I can no longer participate in our group's MT63 nets unless I buy 
> MIXW. I have been resisting buying MIXW because there is so much good 
> free software to do the job - like DM780. In some versions of DM780 
> one can center MT63/1000 at 1500hz, but not with the current version. 
> DM780 versions have been flip-flopping on supporting MT63/1000 
> centered at 1500hz for about 2 years.
> Our group can not deviate from our nationwide mandated Olivia and MT63 
> operating parameters. I suspect the reason for always being centered 
> at 1500hz is so that radio's filters or DSP can easily be used to cut 
> out nearby noise. Filters are centered at 1500 hz.
> Maybe I'll just need to give up and buy MIXW? People who use it seem 
> to love it. Or...maybe I'll figure out how to write my own?
> The big problem is that fldigi seems to have no error messages. If 
> there is anything wrong, it just crashes. For example, let's say 
> another program has the COM port open to talk to the radio? Will I get 
> a simple error message that the COM port can not be opened? No, the 
> program crashes with cryptic useless error messages.
> When I first tried using fldigi 3.12.3 it would only start if I turned 
> my radio off. If my radio was powered on then fldigi would crash. 
> Hamlib was somehow not happy - but fldigi did not give me any error 
> message - it just dies. I followed instructions on the yahoo group to 
> delete the file with the settings and re-entered the settings, and 
> this did not help. Moving from hamlib to rigctl seemed to help.
> I really think the fldigi 3.11.6 works much better. I keep both 
> versions installed in different directories.
> As I am writing this email this morning, I tried to reproduce the 
> fldigi 3.12.3 crashes - and it won't crash! I don't understand. Late 
> yesterday I installed Vista Windows Updates and rebooted. Microsoft 
> issues windows updates every tuesday. fldigi 3.12.3 seems to be stable 
> at this time - why? I do not know. Right now I can not reproduce any 
> fldigi crashes - even if I leave HRD or my own radio control program 
> running at the same time using the rig control com port. After a few 
> days of instability, it now seems stable. Maybe I am the only one 
> experiencing these problems?
> I did join a new group - NBEMSham - to report problems and that is 
> where I saw instructions on how to delete the files that stored the 
> program's settings. This did not help, but moving from Hamlib to 
> Rigctl seemed to help. But today Hamlib seems to function ok - strange.
> Anyway - I know it takes a great deal of time to write software, and 
> that you provide the software for free. I probably complained too 
> loudly. Until this morning it seemed like fldigi 3.12.3 was completely 
> useless.
> I do not think you released a broken version on purpose. There are so 
> many different windows operating systems, and people have different 
> hardware. No one can test everything. But for me - well at least DM780 
> works very reliably for me.
> I purchaed a Palstar AT AUTO auto-tuner early this year. There was no 
> s/w to computer control it, so I wrote a Java/NetBeans program. I've 
> also added support for my 746pro radio and a friend's ic-7000 radio. 
> I've added support for the LDG AT200PC auto tuner and LDG's DTS-6 coax 
> switch. Fortunately my software is not very popular so I don't get all 
> the complaints that you must be getting - hihi.
> Ah, I just tried again - now fldigi 3.12.3 can't start. "Microsoft 
> Visual C++ Runtime Library" "this application has requested the 
> Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way....."
> I start fldigi again - and it seems ok. I've restarted fldigi a few 
> times now - and it starts ok. Well, whatever the problem is - it seems 
> to be occurring less often this morning. But the problem is still here.
> Howard

*Skip KH6TY*

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