--- On Thu, 9/24/09, theophilusofgenoa <twst...@windstream.net> wrote:

> From: theophilusofgenoa <twst...@windstream.net>
> Subject: [digitalradio] Re: An open letter: W1AW and 80m psk31 interference
> To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 11:24 AM
> I would like to put in a few words in
> defense of the ARRL.  I learned the code prior to
> getting my novice license in 1955.  At the time, that
> was just about the only way one could learn, at least on a
> kid's salary.
> These transmissions have been on forever, so I do question

Why is the code practice sessons even needed now ? In 1955 very few probably 
had tape recorders or an easy method to get perfect code practice.  Now you can 
get a computer for almost nothing (some will even give you an old computer just 
to get it out of the house).  I gave one away to a fellow years ago just so he 
could run a code program.



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