For linux ham, I would recommend Linux Mint where you can install the o/s on
your computer and download and install ham apps easily. If you want to run
off a small O/S via cd or flash go with Puppy. Fldigi works good with
either...gud luck, Alan

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Marty W8AKS <> wrote:

> I have a backup laptop that I want to install Linux on for learning and
> probable switchover when XP support goes away.
> I did not realize how many different flavors of Linux there is. Can the
> group recommend a flavor that is favorable to ham radio. Any recommended
> ham radio programs would also be appreciated. After a learning curve I'll
> probably be on the air utilizing linux vice windows.
> Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks and 73
> Marty

Quote for the day: ".Light travels faster than sound.  That's why some
people appear bright until you hear them speak."

Alan Wilson
67 Bullseye Lane
Victor, MT 59875

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