
I have re-edited this response three times now.  I was trying to offer
something that would contribute to the greater good.  

I have nothing to offer to the greater good.

I have come to the conclusion that I really don't care about band plans
at such a detailed level. 

I respect what you are saying, but I really don't care how the band gets
partitioned at this level. It just seems too much like work and I'm not
here for work.  I am here to escape from work.

I think the only rule I tend to follow is to not run MT63-1000 in the CW
sub bands.  Oh, and the rule about not contesting on the WARC bands -
that's a good one too.  I actually was placed on probation for a while
for such a violation on 30 meters by one of the demigods that maintain a
watchful eye on that band, so I'm a little touchy about this one.

I make an effort to listen before I send, but sometimes I goof and I'm
quick to offer my apologies and move on. I accept that fact the not
everyone hears my signals and so there might be a little QRM.  QRM is
fact of life - intentional or unintentional.  Be the bigger person and

Honestly, all I really want to do is to get on the air and have some
fun, play with some odd ball modes, maybe get to work a little DX just
to prove that the antennas I have put up are not total crap.

philw de ka1gmn

On Sat, 2010-02-20 at 14:39 -0500, Andy obrien wrote:
> Just some thoughts, critique welcome.
> If we think about HF digital QSOs there are 5 general types.
> 1. Weak signal propagation "probes" that are frequent in nature and
> regularly used by hams around the world (JT65A, ROS, WSPR, SLOW CW),
> Usually the exchange is a signal report, callsign, and location. No
> "Conversation"
> 2. Conversational digital modes that are hugely popular, very active,
> and can include brief contest exchanges or Dxpedition quick
> exchanges. (RTTY, PSK31/63,).
> 3. Message delivery digital modes in common use, quite active, and
> used at times for "emcomm" Pactor, Packet, standard ALE, Winmor,
> PSK125-250, Often fairly "wide" signals
> 4. Conversational "rag0chew" digital modes that are very robust and
> used by a small group of hams during weak signal or low power
> conditions ( Olivia, Hell, Thor, MFSK16, ALE400, DominoEX, Throb.
> ThrobX)
> 5. Experimental "messing around" by digital mode enthusiasts, testing
> all kinds of "odd" modes just to see how they work. No more than 1000
> hams world wide. Modes include
> Olivia, Hell, Thor, MFSK16, ALE400, DominoEX, Throb. ThrobX, PAX ,
> Chip, FPSK, RITTY, PSKAM, QPSK, Contestia, RTTYM, ASCII, Voice, ROS 1,
> JT64, JT6M, MT63,
> A persistent issue (I avoid the word "problem" because I do not think
> it is) is that each of the particular interests wants to have a common
> meeting place on the dial. For some uses, it makes perfect sense and
> for others it is not really that essential. Message delivery systems
> and weak signal detection both would logically want a common place on
> the dial. Other modes can be found by twirling the dial or using
> alerting system like PSKreporter or Hamspots, but sometimes you miss a
> "CQ" because you happened to be down the dial a tad.
> So, what "plan" , a voluntary one, could this group of 4000 hams/SWLs
> , develop that would make sense and demonstrate the concepts of hams
> working cooperatively on such matters.? One that did not wait for
> regulatory solutions.
> It might make sense to start with what is currently working or so
> "dominant" that attempts to change would be futile, right ? So,
> changing PSK31 and RTTY operations is out of the question. WSPR and
> JT65A operations seem well policed by the enthusiasts of these modes.
> So that would take care of items 1 and 2 above. What about item
> number 3, above ? I'm inclined to agree that this group might work
> best if allocated a small section of each band, probably in band
> segments that allow unattended operations. PACTOR is an issue because
> there are so many frequencies used. In reality though, Pactor,
> Winmor, PSKMAIL, ALE, Packet, and APRS-Packet could all meet their
> goals with just a TOTAL of 6 frequencies per band. 2 frequencies per
> band for Pactor, one for Winmor, one for PSKmail, one for ALE digital,
> and one Packet. Six voluntarily protected "channels" per band,
> except in emergencies.
> That would leave items 4 and 5, above. That's mostly the members of
> this group, Since there are 4000 of us, 4000 collective brains should
> be able to develop a band plan for a) Conversational communication and
> b) experimental messing around using a mixture of wide and narrow
> modes. Ideas ?
> The outcome , in my mind, would allow a new ham to consult a chart
> that looks something like..
> 160 80
> 75 40 30
> 20 etc, etc.
> PSK31 (general) xxxx.xx to xxxx.xx xxxx to xxxx.
> xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx etc,
> etc.
> RTTY (dx) xxxx.xx to xxxx.xx xxxx to xxxx.
> xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx etc,
> etc.
> RTTY (general) xxxx.xx to xxxx.xx xxxx to xxxx.
> xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx etc,
> etc.
> Weak Signal Exhange xxxx. to xxxx xxxx to xxxx. xxxx to xxxx
> xxxx to xxxx (JT65A, WSPR, QRSS, ROS1, etc)
> Weak Signal Rag-Chew xxxx.xx to xxxx.xx xxxx to xxxx. xxxx to
> xxxx xxxx to xxxx MFSk16, HELL, Olivia, Throb, etc) )
> Narrow Digital Experiments xxxx. to xxxx xxxx to xxxx. xxxx to
> xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx etc, etc.
> Wide digital experments xxxx.xx to xxxx.xx xxxx to xxxx. xxxx
> to xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx xxxx to xxxx etc, etc.
> etc, etc.
> Packet XXXX XXXX
> etc, etc.
> etc, etc.
> Winmor XXXX XXXX
> etc, etc.
> XXXX XXXX and XXXX etc, etc.
> Andy K3UK

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