
Your suggested band plan seems to me to be as good as any that I have seen and 
better than most that I have seen. I think it is unfortunate to have someone 
suggest a well thought out/workable plan and then watch it die for lack of 
support. It seems to me that the problem has been the lack of a organized group 
agreeing to stick with a band plan for long enough period of time for other 
hams to discover the plan being used and join with the original group.

The above gives us a starting place and measuring devices to see if other hams 
will join us and follow the proposed (primarily digital modes) band plan. If 
the group grows then the plan is being adequately publicized and has become an 
established place for others to begin their foray into the digital modes.

Recipe: Suggested plan published by someone on a well used forum > a dozen or 
more operators agreeing a head of time to try the suggested plan > keep the 
agreement to follow the suggested plan active for a month (adding 
users/followers along the way )> agree to meet at the end of the month in some 
prior arranged forum -- hash out the good and the bad for no longer than one 
week. If most people feel that the plan is a workable one, then keep the plan 
active for six months or so and publish the frequencies the frequencies 
agreed-upon on the forum on a daily basis.

At this point in time we are talking primarily of Region Two. Regions One and 
Three already have plans in operation. Unless there is a good reason(s) to 
deviate (example: legal frequencies) from plans already operational, then make 
the proposed band plan follow the rest of the world.



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