That is a good point, Alan.  Now that i think about it, you would think that
after 10 years we would have come up with a point and click method.

Andy K3UK

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:26 PM, Alan Barrow <> wrote:

> jhaynesatalumni wrote:
> > -
> >
> > My belief is that all the RTTY is largely from contesting and DX
> > chasing. Those two operations have two things in common:
> Another aspect I had not thought of until I asked a DX'er friend of mine
> why they did not use PSK much for DX. His answer:
> "no one has found a good way to do psk spots".
> Most DX is spot & click initially. I see some psk spots, but there is
> wide variation in how people spot them. so you have to (heaven forbid)
> listen to the psk signals to see which one is the dx. :-)

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