>>>AA6YQ comments below
-----Original Message-----
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:digitalra...@yahoogroups.com]on
Behalf Of Alan Barrow
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 11:57 AM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: PSK SPOTS in DXLAB

obrienaj wrote:
> Thanks Dave, Although I use Winwarbler and Spot Collector a lot, I have
never really tried clicking on PSK31 spots . I will have to give that a try.
Very useful. I wonder if this is the only application that does work well
with PSK31 spots?

The issue is not generating spots, it's the fact that very few psk spots
are done in a fashion that when clicked, you are on the frequency &

I use DXLabs, great program (Thanks Dave!). I suspect if all used dxlabs
we would not have this problem.

But it appears that different programs spot the psk in different
fashions. Some do an exact frequency spot, others a base frequency plus
an offset (+1k) in the note, etc.

This would be an opportunity for someone to develop a standard approach
& align. But if dx4win, and logger32 don't do it, you'll miss most of
the dx'ers.

>>>Users of these applications could request that PSK spot generation be
automated to post the correct frequency (rig frequency +/- audio offset).

Likewise, some of us use multipsk, and other digi programs instead of
the suite program. So it needs to play in that regard as well.

I see roughly a ten percent success rate clicking on psk spots, with
rtty & sstv being in the high 90% range.

I don't lose sleep over this problem, but I have hardcore contester &
dxer friends (yes, I admit it) who like psk, but never use it for dx.
And that's the reason when asked. And based on my experience, it's an
opportunity for standardization.

 >>>During my occasional holiday-style DX operations, the primary impediment
to using PSK has been the slow QSO rate caused by macro-itis.

It needs to be a dial frequency type thing, not a "get close & hunt" if
you want to see more psk usage by that crowd. But there's another side
of it..... I kindof like not having contesters & major dx chasers on
psk! Maybe not being clickable is a good thing?

>>>Broadband decoding has the potential of making pileups much more
efficient. XF4DL made ~1000 PSK QSOs (out of 58K total) over the course of
10 days; perhaps Juergen DL8LE can share his perspective.


        Dave, AA6YQ

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